Thursday, April 30, 2009

A SweeTART Of A Day

Today was both happy and sad. I have officially gone to my last class of Spring Semester 09. While I am still a long way away from my goal of becoming a dental assistant...I feel as if I have made a dent in the process!

I will truly miss some of the people I have met.

**Only 2 finals left for Tuesday and then I can "relax" for the summer!**

I'm feeling better today & so far there are no signs of sickness in Olivia. I have been very cautious around her and washing my hands like crazy !

With homework & my final speech out of the way I'm able to focus on catching up some on my laundry before Olivia and I head to Kokomo for the weekend...or possibly until Tuesday depending on how confident I feel about my upcoming exams.

I feel like -jumping up and down on my bed with joy- just knowing that this is my last "shuffle weekend" between Cory's apartment and my mom's house. Every weekend since the beginning of January has been back and fourth. I am so SICK of packing! Its not even funny! Not to mention A total of 3 to 4 hours in the car per weekend EVERY weekend sucks!

So yeah no more of that. YESSS!

Speaking of Cory he left me this comment on my myspace earlier while I was at class. I thought I would share it because it was too sweet.

hey baby, just wanted to let you know i can't wait for your semester to be over so you can get down here. i'm super excited about it, i know everything is going to work out and we are gonna be much happier when we can see each other everyday. well i hope you do well on your speech today. I LOVE YOU!!

Sighhh... Hes sweet. huh? :) He picked out a little comment graphic and everything! I know its just a myspace comment...but he makes sure to go out of his way ontop of our hour long conversations to let me know hes thinking of me.

Well this is getting to be a pretty long entry! So I'll cut myself off and head downstairs to put my wash into the dryer before I lose the rest of you---is anyone even still reading this?!?!

oh PS-While I was procrastinating on my speech writing earlier I used the opportunity to update the look of my blog.

I added Twitter to my sidebar.."tweeting"..or um..whatever they call it.. its pretty neat-o! You can update your mood/whatever you are doing/thinking/feeling throughout the day & keep in contact with your friends...check it out !


  1. Oh the joys of fresh new love. BLAH. LOL
    Keep me posted, we'll catch up SOONER this time.

  2. OH TO BE NEWLY IN LOVE...AW........ ;-)

  3. Thats a lot of gas too that you won't be wasting! LOL.

    YAY for the end of Exams!

  4. Congrats with the end in sight! Keep your head down and don't forget to return the favor of a simple act of love for your man, too! He'll be appreciative :)

  5. Sounds like a great guy. Congrats on finishing the exams. Stopping by from SITS.

  6. Hi there! I finally am able to visit your blog, had some problems with blogger earlier! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) Olivia is so adorable, how could anyone help but love that face?! and he sounds like a sweetheart, that message was definitely sweet! Congrats on the end being in sight, it must be a relief :-)

  7. Good luck with your studies. Stopping by from SITS to say "hi" and welcome. We're glad you joined :-)

  8. Good luck to you!

    I came by to welcome you to SITS! It's great to have you in the SITStahood:0)

  9. I'm going to add that. Your pic is gorgeous :) TAKE PICS of you and Corey I wanna see!!! Glad your speech went ok, can't wait to catch up love! ly Cass

  10. Well aren't you and your little girl adorable! Maybe you could get a fanny pack for her as well! :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog today. Looks like a great place you have here!

  11. dropping by to welcome you to the SITStahood!

    Your guy sounds like a wonderful catch!

  12. Wow, sounds like you have a lot going on! And who couldn't adore a man that leaves you sweet nothings in your in-box!

    I am stopping by to wish you a big welcome to the SITSahood! It's a great community and fun to be a part of. Look foward to seeing you around.

  13. You're right where you need to be :) Smart, treated well and HAPPY. It's a long time coming, Ms Emily, and it sure makes me happy to see it!


  14. Congrats on making it to the end of the semester! I agree... things will be a lot less stressful when you're not juggling back and forth every week!

    I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!

  15. That is a very sweet comment. Have a great summer.

    Welcome to SITS!

  16. Welcome to the SITS group, it's great to have you as a SITSta!

  17. stopping in to say welcome to SITS

  18. i love the message he sent you, what a sweet guy! congrats on finishing the semester!

    {i am stopping by from SITS to say hi}

  19. Good luck with your exams - and enjoy your summer!

    Dropping by to welcome you to SITS - glad to have you join us!

  20. Tuesday is almost here!!!
    Sorry I'm so late reading this. I'm way behind.

    Good luck on your last exams and congrats on you upcoming move.

    Your guy sounds amazing. I'm jealous. Truly.
    I'm lucky if I get hugs from my hubby anymore. ::Sigh::


  21. I'm glad you're just about done with finals for the semester and get to have a well-deserved break!

    I'm here with the SITS Welcome Wagon! I've been a member from the beginning, and it's such a wonderful community of women. I've met so many amazing bloggers and read so many fun blogs. Welcome aboard, SITSta!

  22. Hey Emily! thanks for stopping past my graphic journal i do have a regular journal just click my pic in the side of your followers bar and it will show u a list of my journals i have hope all is well i really dont be on here like that.

  23. hey you!!!! glad all is well your way!! I am adding you to my private journal. If there is aproblem, you let me know!!!

  24. Good luck with your exams and congrats on the big move!

    Welcome to SITS!


  26. I bet you're anxious for the move! Hope all your finals went well.

  27. I didn't know you were on Twitter, I'll have to follow ya.

    I have a new blog. It's private. I'm pretty sure I added you already, but if I didn't let me know. It was a pain to go private. Anyway here's the link

    And I'm happy to hear that you're happy now. You seem to have your life on track. Enjoy it! :)

  28. Awww what a sweetheart! Glad school is almost over for now! Dropping by to say Welcome to SITS!!

  29. He's such a cute guy! Congrats on being done with this semester!

  30. What cute blog you have!! Coming over from SITS. Welcome!!

  31. stopping by from SITS to welcome you!!!

  32. Weird...I didn't get updates for you on my dashboard...but when I clicked on your page alone it had updates.

    ...too cute what Cory sent. It's those little things that make you all fluttery on the inside and smiley on the outside :) he's a keeper!

    Hope you're feeling better babe! You take it easy!

  33. Hope Kokomo was a wonderful and relaxing, and that your last exams went well!

    Welcome to SiTS! Em
